bubba - 2016-07-15 19:08:26

RedBot 1.3.6 (dla Tibii 10.96)

    Alarms: Check if you have a player on your screen, if someone is attacking you, if your HP/MP/Cap/Others are low, everything with 2 clicks!

    Advanced Healer: Use Spells, Potions, Runes based in your character Health or Mana, exactly or percentage values.

    Tools: Auto-Spells, Hunt Tools, Anti-Idle, Auto-Fishing, Sio Friend, others.

    Cavebot: Hunt wherever you want to, buy/sell items from NPC's, deposit items in your depot and more, 100% afk!

    Targeting: Use a specific attack mode, what spells you want to use in that monster, hunt running from them or reaching them!

    Looting: Pickup only the loots that you want to, to the specified backpack, automatic items ID's!

    Advanced Trainer: You can choose to train with Slimes, Monks, Players or any other monster with a few clicks!

    HUD: Check the basic informations of your hunt and your character directly in your screen!

RedBot jest całkowicie niewykrywalny.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B483Lk … sp=sharing

www.realitygaming.pun.pl www.fiore.pun.pl www.politologiaujk.pun.pl www.wiedzmin11.pun.pl www.pokemon-fan-gra.pun.pl